Ordinary time brought a definitely non-ordinary outing here. The kids were blessed with the opportunity to visit the Newport Aquarium near Cincinnati over the weekend with Auntie Ann and Grandpa. It is so expensive that we haven't been able to make the trip previously. Even though Jeff and I couldn't go this time, we were happy the kids got to experience such an adventure! We heard all about it in the evening, and new recollections keep popping up through the day. What an amazing place...
We are so thankful that our generous family made it happen for the kids! Jeff and I had the house to ourselves for about 8 hours, which was definitely strange for us. We were ready for everyone to come home!
In other exciting news, a new nephew made his appearance January 9th. Jeff's sister and her husband welcomed their second child, Joseph. We were able to meet him last Saturday and visit the growing little family. Such a dear baby, and it makes those newborn days seem really far away for me - can you believe it's been two-and-a-half years since I was the one holding a lil' peanut? He sure is a sweetie:
The rest of this week I am planning to hunker down and focus on our learning activities. We have had tons of fun since Christmas, lots of building kits and "fun" learning opportunities. I'm hoping to bring back a little stronger emphasis on literature in the coming weeks. For now, check out this great new game we picked up on a recommendation from family friends: Blokus. We can fit it into the math slot, or call it thinking skills, strategy, spatial relations, eye-hand coordination, or whatever you like. Really it's just a barrel of fun for all ages, and we're all addicted. Fun, fun!
Hope everyone is having a good week! Come back soon for more updates.
Hey, that first picture from the aquarium is pretty good! It was hard to get pictures right when the fish swam by. I'm proud of myself. :)
Were there any pictures of Dad and Molly with frogs?